The state of our Health & Wellness is found in the collective combination of our unique individual Minds, Body's and Hearts. As we know that LIFE is made up of both how the world impacts us, and how we impact the world. How we mature in each area of these components determines the level engagement we can achieve.
Mankind there forms the basis of the MIND of life in the world as we know it and defines the overarching concept of WHO we are as mankind.
The interaction of mankind with the natural world around us is the BODY of life where interaction happens and defines the overarching concept of HOW we live as a part of all creation.
The HEART of mankind is where we find the intentions of mankind itself defining the overararching concept of WHAT we live for.
When we do not holistically understand life, we cannot fully engage in it, and as such, from generation to generation will actually digress as mankind in general. Although we may grow in our knowledge and undersanding, without the continued maturity of all aspects of the MIND, BODY, HEART, SPIRIT & SOUL, we will not be journeying towards the enlightened destination and will become biased in the areas of concentration and severely lacking in the areas of ignorance. It is in the areas of ignorance where most conflict of thought and beliefs collide, and therefore where the least amount of collective maturity takes place. We then focus on what we know and develop these areas as opposed to focussing on what we don't know and maturing our weaknesses as we continue to mature our strengths.
The basic component of LIFE is each of us as an individual which collectively form an intricate and important part of the whole. With all our differences packaged uniquely within everyone, our pathway of development as a collective is defined adapts and adjusts which in and of itself continues the process of developing us as individuals. Therefore, the skill of living life is found in our method of approaching it rather than our ability to understand it. Without these tools being continuously matured we tend to come to a stage where we think we know it, and therefore fix our methodology in place and limit our flexibility and agility.
As we start the journey into the depths of the contents of this text, we must at all times understand that the aim of every aspect to approach maturity in each area. Understanding the aspects of maturity comes from understanding the broad components of learning from mimicry; to discover; to development; to mastery; to actualisation; and finally to legacy. In many cases we stop at mastery and don't progress to the level of legacy through which we handover, inspire and challenge the next generation to exceed our own capacity.
Mimicry never stops. We should always remain inquisitive. Every aspect of the contents of this text is aimed at maturing the status quo. Therefore, with every step of maturity, the individual components are modified and that changes the entire ecosystem. So, we are unable to take on the attitude of I have learned everything there is to know. ...............................................
Exploring the possibilities... the adventure. As we progress to discovery, we actually start looking backward from the actualisation to the mastery of the subject such that we begin to understand the concepts in more detail. This is a crucial point where we often come across information that is not necessarily accurate. The responsibility here is to ................................................
Learning the components and concepts of those that have mastered, actualised and left behind a legacy. When it comes to development, we actually look for the legends of the subject. These are the few that have truly mastered, actualised and come to an understanding of how to articulate what the next generation need to................................................
Taking the concept to the theoretical limit... learning all you can about it.
Taking the concepts to the ground and making them work. Putting them into action.
Legacy is not teaching, although is often thought to be solely described as the handing on of what we have. Legacy is the responsibility of what we leave behind. The responsibility to evaluate what we leave behind is crucial.
When we look at the components of learning it is easy for us to only focus on the one who is doing the learning as opposed to the one that is doing the teaching. By right, the one doing the teaching is equally important in the learning process as the learner themselves. Anyone can teach. But that doesn't mean that everyone should teach. When we truly took at a subject matter, depending on the level at which we are engaging learners, then the responsibility of teaching is also different.
Everyone is a teacher. People watch people and we learn from each other. We often see this in the basic areas of life like laughter, smiling, body language, etc. These are areas that most of us do not go through a structured learning program to understand, but we learn from those around us. So, the levels of teaching then need to be understood in more detail when learning enters the developmental phase.
The crux of understanding the area of "teaching" in all this is for any teacher to be able to take a good look at their capabilities, analyse at what level they have taken the subject matter to, and therefore position themselves to teach only at the level of teaching that they have matured to. The pitfall of this is pride. The needed characteristic in this is humility.
Inward impact and external impact... 6 areas of maturity.
Our thoughts and understanding...
Our actions and interactions...
Our values and our purpose...
Only with a balanced maturity across all can we actually progress society towards the SOUL of the CREATOR. Therefor, every area of CONFLICT must be turned into areas of celebrated diversity. Every area of HATE must be turned into an area of understanding.